Starting at $34.50
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TinThis pillow makes a perfect gift for your teen, science lover, best friend, child, and more! Choose from many different colors, two different sizes, 3 different fabrics, and if you'd like a zipper or not.
Tin, is soft enough to be cut without much force. When a bar of tin is bent, the so-called “tin cry” can be heard as a result of twinning in tin crystals. Pure tin after solidifying keeps a mirror-like appearance similar to most metals. Tin is the 49th most abundant element on Earth and has. The first tin alloy used on a large scale was bronze, made of 1⁄8 tin and 7⁄8 copper, from as early as 3000 BC. After 600 BC, pure metallic tin was produced. Shop other post-transition metals:
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All pillows are printed and constructed through Zazzle. Availability is dependent upon Zazzle's offering and can change at any time.